Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Observational photos and drawings

These observational photos and drawings are inspired by my theme of 'Indian weddings', taken from the starting point of cultures and traditions, this is why many of my pieces are quite colourful as an Indian wedding is quite a colourful celebration.
(above) These observational drawings are of the objects in the photos above, they are using oil pastel as that allows very bright colours, which links to my theme, I also used coloured biros to draw one of the objects as that could then be hair sprayed, creating an interesting effect of the ink running down the page.
(above) These drawings are from looking at different Sari prints and designs. I decided to use two different techniques to do these drawings, on one I layered rippings of orange toned paper on a page and then drew ontop in Biro, on the other I a did simple pencil line drawing to show the detail.
These two observational drawings are of invitations to Indian weddings, this is why they are mainly a repetitive pattern, I used the colours red and gold on the two drawings as these are very popular colours at Indian weddings. 
These observational drawings are only using pencil, some of the drawings have been shaded and some haven't just to show different techniques and how different levels of detail can be achieved using different techniques.
These observational drawings are of different angles of a bracelet with an elephant on it, I used a Biro on one of the drawings, however I felt it looked quite flat so I then drew two different close up angles of the object in charcoal as I felt that added more tone.
This observational drawing is quite different to the others as it's on a base of red and yellow ink, which in some areas merged together to create an orange shade, and then a henna hand has been drawn over the top using a fine liner pen.

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